Thursday, July 28, 2016

Video: Bill Clinton Lied In Democrat National Convention Speech - Says Dick Morris Former Senior Political Advisor

Hillary Clinton - Benghazi Hearings
Hillary Clinton - Benghazi Hearings

Bill Clinton gave a long speech at the Democrat National Convention about how wonderful Hillary Clinton is—painting a very rosy picture of her early life, how they met, and their lives together.

But Slick Willy's former Senior Political Advisor Dick Morris says it was filled with lies.

Ummm...ok.  So what did we expect—honesty?? 

Hillary has been caught in lie after lie—and astonishingly a large percentage of apparently uninformed American's are still supporting her.

Watch the video and see how these lies are dismantled one after the other by a Clinton insider.

And then—share this video with everyone you know.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

SMH Video: Stupid people sign petition to make Karl Marx Hillary's Vice President

Video Embedded Below

Video Screen Capture:  Ignorant People Sign Karl Marx Petition
Video Screen Capture:  Ignorant People Sign Karl Marx Petition

Our nation is in serious jeopardy.

Mark Dice shared a video earlier this year of people signing a petition to make (the quite dead) Communist Karl Marx Hillary Clinton's Vice President.

It's really quite amazing and shows how gullible and misinformed way too many people are in this country.

It's plainly obvious that the people who do sign this petition don't know who Marx is—but they sign it anyway.

Astonishingly, one woman, signs and then says she doesn't care about the issues behind the petition—but that her "signature is good."

It's disgusting and represents how uneducated many people are and how little they care (apparently) about this nation.

Video Screen Capture:  Low Information, Ignorant People Sign Karl Marx Petition
Video Screen Capture:  Low Information, Ignorant People Sign Karl Marx VP Petition

And remember—many of these same folks will be casting a ballot in November.

It's no wonder Hillary can repeatedly get caught in lie after lie—and have people still cheering for her.

Of course it doesn't hurt that the media is in the tank for her as well—and they share the responsibility for keeping far too many misinformed on the issues facing this nation.

It's time to Wakey-Wakey America

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

CNN Frantically Cuts Away From DNC Protests To Cover Boyz II Men

Video Screen Capture:  CNN Frantically Cuts Away From DNC Protests To Cover Boyz II Men
Video Screen Capture:  CNN Frantically Cuts Away From DNC Protests To Cover Boyz II Men

The main stream media has gleefully covered every Trump protest, licking their lips when agitators have blocked roads, thrown eggs at Trump supporters, and spit on and assaulted them.

When someone get up and screams anything at a Trump rally, the networks scramble all over themselves to focus their stories and cameras on that.

Ya know—it shows how much people are against Trump after-all.

: /

So of course, now that there are protests by liberals disgusted by their own party at the Democrat National Convention, everyone knows the fair and unbiased media will be covering that equally.



In a ridiculous example of how one sided and unbalanced their coverage is, CNN (the Clinton News Network?) quickly cuts away from a report on a huge protest in front of the convention to cover the aging and irrelevant Boyz II Men.

Talk about breaking news.........

: ?

You can read more about this on Breitbart:

Otherwise you'll find the video of the embedded below:

Knowledge is power!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Video: FBI Reveals Hillary Clinton's Many Lies

View The Video Below

Hiliary gets an FBI pass
Hilliary gets an FBI pass

President Richard M. Nixon resigned in disgrace in 1974 when it was discovered that he had lied to the American people about the Watergate break in.

Fast forward 42 years and you have Hillary Clinton getting a complete pass from the FBI and main stream press after it's been proven that she lied lied to American voters for months about her e-mail scandal.

From the New York Times:  "At a contentious hearing of the House oversight committee, Mr. Comey [FBI Director] acknowledged under questioning that a number of key assertions that Mrs. Clinton made for months in defending her email system were contradicted by the F.B.I.’s investigation."

But if you need further convincing, all one needs to do is watch the side-by-side comparison video posted below of what she said in an interview, with that of what FBI Director James Comey just concluded in their investigation.

It proves only one thing, that Hillary Clinton has been lying.   

(Read the transcript below the embedded video)

FBI Director James Comey at the recent news conference

So does it matter to you?

It should.

The video embedded below is short, only 1 minute and 47 seconds long.

I also encourage you to follow the link to an Associated Press "Fact Check" comparing Hillary's lies with what the FBI determined during their investigation:

Either way, it is a very damning comparison to be sure.

Can anyone now doubt that Hillary Clinton has been caught in a web of deceit?

Transcript from the embedded video above

Hillary Clinton:  "I did not email any classified material to anyone.  There is no classified material."

FBI Director James Comey:  "110 emails in 52 email chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received."

Hillary:  "I provided ALL my emails that could POSSIBLY be work related."

Comey:  "Several thousand work related emails that were not among the group of thirty thousand emails returned by Secretary Clinton."

Hillary:  "I thought using one device would be simpler." 

 Comey:  "She also used numerous mobile devices to send and to read email."

Hillary:  "There were no security breaches."

Comey:  "It is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton's personal email account."

Hillary:  "It was my practice to communicate with State Department and other government officials on their dot gov accounts."

Comey:  "Hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account."

Hillary:  "No doubt, that we've done exactly what we should have done."

Comey:  "They were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Hillary:  "People will be able to judge for themselves."

Comey:  "We cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these FACTS."

Hillary:  "Thank you!  Thank you!"

Comey:  "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances a person who engaged in this activity would face NO consequences."

Hillary:  "Americans will find that interesting, and I look forward to having a discussion about that."

Friday, July 8, 2016

Video: 22 Times Clinton Said She Didn't Have Classified Material on Her Private Server

Video Below

A Screen Capture From The Video:  Hillary Clinton Lies At A Democrat Debate
A Screen Capture From The Video:  Hillary Clinton Lies At A Democrat Debate

A video by the Washington Free Beacon claims to shows cuts between 22 different times that Hillary Clinton lied about having classified email on her server.

Lying once might be able to be justified as a mistake.

Lying repeatedly and still having the audacity to run for the highest office in the land is absolutely staggering!

BTW, I'm sure the FBI has already received a nice thank you card from the Clintons.

So who are you going to vote for?

A Screen Capture From The Video:  Hillary Clinton Repeated Lies On TV About Email
A Screen Capture From The Video:  Hillary Clinton - Repeated Lies On TV About Email

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Can We REALLY Blame Obama?

I've seen the quote above in several places and thought it spoke the truth about the nature of our President:

That our President simply reflects the spirit of the people who elect him.  

To that I'll add, that this is true for ALL of our leaders, from Washington to the smallest office in the land.

After doing a search about the quote seen at the top, I found several places where it was claimed, to have been said by former Czech Republic Premier, Vaclav Klaus.

Searching for it under that attribution led me to sites that debunked the quote and it's origin as false.

If life has taught me anything, it is to be tenacious, so I continued searching and at last found the original quote and a claim of authorship by Gary Beasley.

He says clearly in a comment on Those Legends Blogspot where the quotation is being debunked as "fake": 

"I am the origin of this ..."

Sure enough if you go to his blog you will see he posted the EXACT quote on July 6, 2009.


Later, on August 19, 2013, He added the following to that page as well :

"H.L. Mencken, Born 1880 - Died 1956, was a journalist, satirist & critic, and a Democrat! He wrote an editorial while working for the Baltimore Evening Sun, which appeared in the July 26, 1920 edition.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.'

--- H.L. Mencken, The Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920"


As I watch the change in the nation during my lifetime, and see it's destruction at the hands of our leaders in Washington, and across this great nation, I've often wondered how it could be happening.

But as events around our country unfold and I see the civil discord and hatred spilling out our population, and the erosion of our basic morals and decency, I finally see it is in fact, "We The People" who are orchestrating and RESPONSIBLE for this change!

Not some politician from EITHER party...but US!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Elite New York School: White Children Should Be Ashamed - Segregates Children By Race

Anshu Wahi - Director of Diversity at the school - Photo:  Copyright Bank Street School For Children

 It doesn't take a whole lot of brain power to figure out that something is going very, very wrong in this nation.

As an astonishing case in point:  The New York Post published an article on July 1, 2016, alleging that a Manhattan, New York school is "teaching white students as young as 6 that they’re born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from 'white privilege,' while heaping praise and cupcakes on their black peers."

The article goes on to say that parents are complaining that the K-8 school of 430 kids is separating whites children in classes where they’re made to feel awful about their 'whiteness,' and [moving] all the 'kids of color' in other rooms where they’re taught to feel proud about their race and are rewarded with treats and other privileges."

The article further reveals that the school:  "... has created a 'dedicated space' in the school for 'kids of color,' where they’re 'embraced' by minority instructors and encouraged to 'voice their feelings' and 'share experiences about being a kid of color ....

Meanwhile, white kids are herded into separate classrooms and taught to raise their 'awareness of the prevalence of Whiteness and privilege,' challenge 'notions of colorblindness (and) assumptions of ‘normal,’ ‘good,’ and ‘American’ and 'understand and own European ancestry and see the tie to privilege."

The Post also reports that parents say the program:  " ... deliberately instills in white children a strong sense of guilt about their race. Some kids come home in tears, saying, 'I’m a bad person.'"

Anyone in their right mind could conclude that what the New York Post is reporting is absolute racism disguised as a "diversity" program, and if true, every administrator or teacher who has been involved with implementing it should be forced to resign.

If you need more convincing, however, simply change every reference about the races of the children involved.  In that example, white children would be praised, taught to be proud of their race, and given cupcakes, and children of color would be segregated from the white children and told they are racists from birth and taught about how bad they as a people are.

That would be INSANE!

Perhaps this entire situation should not be a surprise to anyone, as the Post also reports that parents have said that in 2013, the program director sent out an e-mail:  "that seemed to sympathize with Muslim terrorists after the Boston Marathon bombings. .... "

You can read the entire article here: 

The Daily Mail has another report about this here: